From Industry Experts to Content Innovators

An engineering consulting firm previously used LinkedIn as a repost and reshare hub, with little to no original content or thought leadership. It was looking to expand the reach of the brand while showcasing its expertise in the industry. Here’s how it worked. 

Expertise in Need of an Amplifier

As the longest-serving pipeline engineering firm in Michigan, the client had unparallel expertise. Unfortunately, the efforts on LinkedIn had been limited to reposting others’ thought leadership articles and expertise, which did not highlight the firm’s own experience and on-staff subject matter experts (SMEs). In addition, the firm noticed that while it was well-known locally, it needed to expand its market nationally.  

Through an investment in marketing, the firm knew it wanted to accomplish the following objectives: 

  • Increase brand awareness through social media by leveraging expertise and high-quality content, both new and previously created 
  • See a significant increase in reach on LinkedIn, as shown by an increase in monthly impressions from 24/month to 100/month on LinkedIn in 6 months 
  • Engage an active audience on LinkedIn, as shown by a 0.5% increase in engagement rate  

Firm Foundation for Future Success 

The firm had plenty of case studies, resources, blog articles, and eBooks created and published on the website. Using this previously created content, a resource-efficient LinkedIn plan could be activated to save time and costs while also achieving the client’s objective.  

Creating a LinkedIn for the Experts 

A key part of the content strategy was micro-blogging, and project showcases that focused on the firm’s clients’ successes. Micro-blogs are short-form blog posts published on social media channels that focus on educating the audience quickly in an engaging way. This format is an excellent content option for re-using already created content in a new presentation. The project showcases feature photos from a client project and write-ups about the experience.


Engineering Consulting Firm 


Energy (Midstream) 


  • Social media

  • Copywriting

  • Analytics and reporting 

Key Benefits

112% increase in impressions 

Showcased expertise on LinkedIn 

Added 492 followers in 6 months 

2 iphones showing client linkedin page

Exceeding Expectations 

The ultimate increase in impressions and engagement rate was more than double the initial projections. The engineering firm’s target audience received the new content marketing approach very well, leading to outstanding reach and engagement, including comments and lively conversations on LinkedIn.  



Increase in impressions


Increase in engagement

New followers in 6 months

Sarah Roberts and the team at ADV Marketing have been proactive, responsive, there when we’ve needed them, and their technical content capabilities are excellent. They’ve been a great partner in our efforts to increase brand awareness and understanding of our capabilities in our market.” 


““I’m a bit choosy when it comes to writing partners, but given the choice, I’d pick [ADV Marketing] for my writing team any day of the week. Putting together articles and case studies is just as much fun as it is work when she’s on the job. [Our Account Manager] can match voicing and tone to the target audience in a way that most others find difficult outside of their native disciplines. For smart marketing that hits the target, it’s ADV Marketing every time!”” 


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    Houston, Texas 77070
    +1 281 460 1844

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